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            Although there are similarities between Christianity and Neopaganism within Charmed, both have mixed view on supporting this tv show. Magic and witchcraft do not have a positive relationship with Christianity, as it is forbidden within the Bible. “there shell not be found with thee any one... that uses divination, one that practices augury or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a consulter with a familiar spirit or a wizard or a necromancer. does presence of magic and witchcraft advocate the practice of magic”(Deuteronomy 18:10-11). In Christianity, god is the ultimate power over good and no others should possess powers that can dictate who is good or evil. Anyone who does is satanic. The tv show Charmed does this thus, it can be seen as evil by others.While Neopagan believers see the depiction of witchcraft as unrealistic to how their faith operates and contributes to a general annoyance of being misrepresented in popular culture. There is a worry that Charmed’s interpretation of neopaganism will trivialize its identity, as it pairs aspects of their faith, with humour and supernatural special effects.
           The mythology within Charmed has historical mythology accuracies, therefore for some it is seen as a path to occult life. The belief is that through watching this show, people could start practicing or ascribing to the same practices as the witches in Charmed. Practices such as, spell casting, potion making, charms, herbs, magic, book of shadows, etc. People interested in witchcraft usually get there by themselves and use witchcraft in mainstream media as something to rebel against, rather than converge with. Tv shows within popular culture can be viewed as a act of play, rather than a gateway to bad behaviour. People generally watch tv shows as a stress release or an escape from their lives. Rather than a practice of participating in occult behaviour. The worry of occultism is understandable since the popularization of a show can incite a strong fandom. However, if violent video games do not contribute to violence, than logically supernatural tv shows shouldn’t either, as they are both a form of entertainment.
           Spirituality is a big component within this show. One can debate the validity and legitimacy of Christian and Neopagan characteristics forever, but spirituality is a concrete aspect. Charmed is a pro-spirituality show as it tackles big questions, such as free will, the meaning of life, and who dictates life and death. "Unless of course you think that Death is pointless. It's not you know. Far from it. Life only has meaning specifically because there is an end. Death is what forces people to live.”It does so in a public discourse sense, not attempting to convey a particular religious stance.
          Charmed centres on three women who represent female empowerment and reliance on each other rather than a man to save the day. Which at the time of its release was important for women and men to see on television. Through this portrayal of women, it communicated against mainstream norms of gender roles. Especially the normalization of men being the physical sex to deal with fighting for justice, such as superhero shows. These powerful women undermined the dominant hegemonic thought that women cannot be represented as a powerhouse and to be relied upon for protection.
          Charmed obviously deals with magic and witchcraft but if you look past the show’s basic principles the real importance shines through. This show is about teaching us not about religion but about life lessons.“Trust, Chris, is a precious commodity. Once you lose it, it’s pretty hard to get it back. The Charmed Ones emphasize their devotion to love, family, “a normal life away from magic”, protecting the innocent, abstaining for personal gain, and getting future witch generations ready. This series shows its viewers the importance of being good to others, being cautious of one’s self-indulgence, and striving for love and happiness in your life. If people engage in occultism after watching this series they missed their creators message. “And although we certainly had our struggles and heartaches over the years, we’re a family of survivors and we will always be. Which is why we’ve truly been Charmed.”

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